Pharmacie Assonvon Address: Yopougon, next to Assonvon Hotel Tel: +225 23 45 44 55 Pharmacie Baïty Address: Yopougon, between BAE and gendarmerie squadrons Tel: +225 23 51 77 98 Pharmacie Belle Fontaine Address: Yopougon, SICOGI, patisserie du marché road extension Tel: +225 23 51 50 55 Pharmacie Beraca Address: Yopougon, Petit Toits Rouge, Chapoulicrossroads Tel: +225 23 45 06 52 Pharmacie Camp Militaire Address: Yopougon, Petit Toits Rouge, in front of CNPS Tel: +225 23 51 65 10 Pharmacie Carrefour Koweit Address: Yopougon, Koweit Tel: +225 23 45 84 07 Pharmacie Chigata Address: YopougonKoweit, 100m from the Fire Hall crossroads Pharmacie De La Cité Address: Yopougon, in front of the firefighters, toward BAE Tel: +225 23 45 87 32 Pharmacie De La Mairie Address: Yopougon, Selmer, in front of maquis Tantie Margot Tel: +225 23 52 43 06 Pharmacie Du Carmel Address: Yopougon, Koutécrossroads, Saint Laurent church Tel: +225 23 53 16 32 Pharmacie Du Cinema Boissy Address: Yopougon, Toits Rouges, next to the 19th arrondissement police station Tel: +225 23 45 65 59 Pharmacie Du Lavage Address: Yopougon, road to Selmer, next to the "bloc célibataire" Tel: +225 23 50 25 40 Pharmacie Eden Address: Yopougon, Toits Rouge, AWA crossroads Tel: +225 23 53 12 15 Pharmacie Keneya Address: Yopougon, Keneya crossroads Tel: +225 23 45 44 65 Pharmacie Kouté Address: Yopougon, Kouté Tel: +225 23 45 39 39 Pharmacie Laoulo Address: Yopougon, Nouveau quartier, express line, in front of SODECI Tel: +225 23 46 57 98 Pharmacie Les Beatitudes Address: Yopougon, Nouveau quartier Tel: +225 23 52 27 47 Pharmacie Les Oliviers Address: Yopougon, Institut des aveugles crossroads Tel: +225 23 45 09 62 Pharmacie Nankoko Address: Yopougon, Camp militaire Tel: +225 23 45 24 80 Pharmacie Nouveau Quartier Address: Yopougon, Nouveau quartier, 50m from the stadium Tel: +225 23 45 00 85 Pharmacie Nouvelle Gabriel Gare Address: Yopougon, next to Gabriel gare Tel: +225 23 50 50 23 Pharmacie Saint André Address: Yopougon, Saint André crossroads, toward PMI of Yopougon Tel: +225 23 46 58 77 Pharmacie Saint Laurent Address: Yopougon, Camp militaire, next to Chapouli Center Tel: +225 23 50 48 79 Pharmacie Sainte Rita Address: Yopougon, Sables crossroads Tel: +22523 45 28 77 Pharmacie Segaï Address: Yopougon, next to FSU Wassakara Tel: +22523 52 21 10 Pharmacie Selmer Address: Yopougon, Selmer, Baron crossroads, 100m from the Town Hall Tel: +225 23 46 11 63 / +225 23 46 19 84 Pharmacie Sideci Extension Address: Yopougon, Mandjo crossroads, before Sidecibridge Pharmacie Tizra Address: Yopougon, Toits rouges Tel: +225 23 50 04 07 Pharmacie Toits Rouges Address: Yopougon, Toits Rouge Tel: +225 23 45 16 93 Pharmacie Wassakara Address: Yopougon, Rue Princesse, next to Cité SIB Tel: +225 23 45 08 14 Pharmacie William Ponty Address: Yopougon, collège William Ponty crossroads Tel: +225 23 50 86 11 Phamacie Des 3 Ponts Address: Yopougon, Sogefia, in front of PMI of YopougonAttié Tel: +225 23 45 43 70 Pharmacie Artemia Address: Yopougon, in front of the Palace of justice Tel: +225 23 52 38 54 Pharmacie Celia Address: Yopougon, Banco, road to Yopougon CHU Tel: +225 23 45 92 34 Pharmacie De L'antenne Address: Yopougon, in front of Côte d'Ivoire Télécom Tel: +225 23 50 15 27 Pharmacie Divine Grace Address: Yopougon, CHU, entrance of Port-Bouët II Tel: +225 23 46 79 17 Pharmacie Du Cenacle Address: Yopougon, the 3rd bridge exit, next to Yopougon CHU Tel: +225 23 52 23 23 Pharmacie La Maison Blanche Address: Yopougon, Attié, rue P60 toward Port-Bouët II, in front of Royal service station Tel: +225 23 51 47 46 Pharmacie Nissi Address: Yopougon, Sopim, next to the GroupementFoncier market Tel: +225 23 53 02 06 Pharmacie Nouvelle Wakouboue Address: Yopougon, corner of SICOGI market, in front of Lavage Tel: +225 23 45 31 89 Pharmacie Phenix Address: Yopougon, Port-Bouët II, Allocodrome crossroads Tel: +225 23 45 22 00 Pharmacie Port-Bouët II Address: Yopougon, Port-Bouët II crossroads Tel: +225 23 46 69 53 Pharmacie Roxanne Address: Yopougon, CIE neighbourhood, Behind the Clinique Grand Centre Tel: +225 23 45 70 75 Pharmacie Saint Christophe Address: Yopougon, at the left of Petro Ivoire service station Tel: +225 22 42 55 62 Pharmacie Saint Clement Address: Yopougon, in front of Yopougon CHU Tel: +225 23 46 62 36 Pharmacie Saint Martin Address: Yopougon, SIDECI Tel: +225 23 51 96 46 Pharmacie Saint Raphael Address: Yopougon, next to Sainte Rita Clinic Tel: +225 02 03 65 84 Pharmacie Sainte Aude Address: Yopougon, Banco 2, Nouveau Goudron, in front of the gouro market Tel: +225 23 52 28 87 Pharmacie Shalom Address: Yopougon, SOGEPHIA, pont vagabond, Behind the PMI Tel: +225 23 53 08 73 Pharmacie Tereza Address: Yopougon, SICOGI Tel: +225 23 50 88 56 Pharmacie Valors Address: Yopougon, New market of Port-Bouët II Tel: +225 23 51 80 41 Pharmacie Alicia Address: Yopougon, Ananeraie, on the road to Dabou Tel: +225 23 45 11 52 Pharmacie Ananeraie Address: Yopougon, Ananeraie Tel: +225 23 50 87 32 Pharmacie Beyniouah Address: Yopougon, Niangon Sud Tel: +225 23 46 01 02 Pharmacie Che N'tale Address: Yopougon, Ananeraie, Guichanrolain crossroads Tel: +225 23 52 62 03 Pharmacie Cité Maroc Address: Yopougon, Maroc Tel: +225 23 51 87 58 Pharmacie D'andokoi Address: Yopougon Andokoi, in front of Lycée municipal Tel: +225 23 50 95 02 Pharmacie D'attinguie Address: Yopougon Tel: +225 23 47 43 30 Pharmacie De Gesco Address: Yopougon, on the road to Dabou, in front of GESCO's market Tel: +225 23 46 99 58 Pharmacie De L'autoroute Address: Yopougon, Gesco, Terminal of bus line 34, next to the Brigade autoroutière Tel: +225 23 52 61 75 Pharmacie De L'horeb Address: Yopougon, SideciLem, SGBCI crossroads, in front of 1er lavage Tel: +225 23 51 88 89 Pharmacie Du Carrefour Boby Address: Yopougon, Niangon, base CIE Tel: +225 23 52 16 39 Pharmacie Du Jubile Address: Yopougon, on the road to Dabou, in front of the market Bagnon Tel: +225 01 05 26 10 Pharmacie Du Progrès Address: Yopougon, Maroc, 50m from Ivoire Oil service station Tel: +225 23 46 59 02 Pharmacie Esther Address: Yopougon, Niangon Sud à Droite, next to la Rose clinic Tel: +225 23 46 39 36 Pharmacie Gnimah Address: Yopougon, Port-Bouët II, next to the former station, 2nd stop of the bus line 39 Tel: +225 23 46 54 89 Pharmacie Jean-Pierre Address: Yopougon, Niangon Sud à Droite, Terminal of the bus line 39 Tel: +225 23 46 30 03 Pharmacie La Délivrance Address: Yopougon, atYopougonindustrial area Tel: +225 23 51 13 79 Pharmacie Lagoma Address: Yopougon, Niangon Académie Tel: +225 23 52 70 70 Pharmacie Le Jourdain Address: Yopougon, Niangonnord, on the road to Citéverte Tel: +225 23 46 06 33 Pharmacie Le Lotus Address: Yopougon, Niangon Sud à Gauche, Terminal of Bus line 27 Tel: +225 23 45 06 66 Pharmacie Léa Address: Yopougon, Niangon Tel: +225 23 46 02 15 Pharmacie Les Elysées Address: Yopougon, Maroc Tel: +225 23 46 84 85 Pharmacie Les Phalènes Address: Yopougon, NiangonSud, next to Saint Pierre Parish Tel: +225 23 46 01 71 Pharmacie Maty Address: Yopougon, next to Maroc'sLubafrique service station Tel: +225 23 46 27 15 Pharmacie Niangon Lokoa Address: Yopougon, at the entrance of NiangonLokoa village Tel: +225 23 45 07 80 Pharmacie Niangon Nord Address: Yopougon, Cité Verte Tel: +225 23 46 32 99 Pharmacie Peniel Address: Yopougon, Ananeraie, GESCO Roundabout Tel: +225 23 45 42 82 Pharmacie Sainte Hermann Address: Yopougon, NiangonSud, Petro Ivoire crossroads Tel: +225 23 50 72 77 Pharmacie Sandrina Address: Yopougon, Ananeraie, Lebanese crossroads Tel: +225 23 46 47 64 Pharmacie Santé Plus Address: Yopougon, North motorway, before Shell Corridor service station Tel: +225 23 52 58 66 Pharmacie Siloe Address: Yopougon, Ananeraie, 200m from the CHU crossroads Tel: +225 23 52 03 40 Pharmacie Zeulayet Address: Yopougon, in front of Maroc's Mosque Tel: +225 23 45 20 39 AfDB Vacancies Senior Governance and Economic Management Officer Director, Gender, Women and Civil Society Department More Currency Converter Amount: From To 0.877 Rates 17 January 2022 Pharmacie Alpha 16 Address: Treichville, av. 16, next to Treichotel Tel: +225 21 25 88 80 Pharmacie Avenue 21 Address: Treichville, av. 21, Regional School Tel: +225 21 24 83 46 Pharmacie Belleville Address:: Treichville, Belleville, in front of maquis Notre Dame Tel: +225 21 25 09 32 Pharmacie D'arras Address: Treichville, Arras, rue 38 Tel: +225 21 24 13 29 Pharmacie De La Bourse Address: Treichville, avenue 2, rue 20 barrée Tel: +225 21 25 01 28 Pharmacie De La Caserne Address: Treichville, near Palais des sports, in front of Marché Portable Tel: +225 21 25 45 83 Pharmacie De L'entente Address: Treichville, av. 21, next to Notre Dame church Tel: +225 21 25 26 95 Pharmacie Des Brasseurs Address: Treichville, at Treichville CHU crossroads Tel: +225 21 25 31 51 Pharmacie Des Quais Address: Treichville, in front of Grands Moulins d'Abidjan Tel: +225 21 24 04 94 Pharmacie Des Trois Mosquées Address: Treichville, at the roundabout, av. 8, rue 12 Tel: +225 21 24 21 96 Pharmacie Du Cheminot Address: Treichville, France Amérique neighbourhood Tel: +225 21 24 09 45 Pharmacie Du Palais Des Sports Address: Treichville, Blvd de Marseille, in front of Hotel Dieu Tel: +225 21 24 02 14 Pharmacie Du Port Address: Treichville, at the entrance of the fishing port Tel: +225 21 25 21 29 Pharmacie Du Rond Point Address: Treichville, at Treichville CHU crossroads Tel: +225 21 35 73 03 Pharmacie Flora Address: Treichville, av. 8, next to the 2nd arrondissement police station Tel: +225 21 24 05 91 Pharmacie France Afrique Address: Treichville, av. 2, in front of Mobil service station Tel: +225 21 24 18 19 Pharmacie Les Archanges Address: Treichville, Behind the Palais des sports Tel: +225 21 35 87 66 Pharmacie Megane Address: Treichville, in front of SOCOCE Treichville Tel: +225 21 25 35 57 Pharmacie Myriam De Biaffra Address: Treichville, Biaffra Tel: +225 21 35 76 84 Pharmacie Nouvelle Address: Treichville, Rue 12, av. 14 Tel: +225 21 35 38 79 Pharmacie Nouvelle Nanan Yamousso Address: Treichville, Rue 38, in front of Nanan Yamousso building Tel: +225 21 24 64 21 / +225 21 24 64 04 Pharmacie Rue 12 Address: Treichville, Rue 12, av. 12 Tel: +225 21 24 53 91 Pharmacie Sainte Adele Address: Treichville, Belleville market Tel: +225 21 25 47 00 Pharmacie Sainte Jeanne Address: Treichville, Belleville market, avenue 21 Tel: +225 21 24 57 41 AfDB Vacancies Senior Governance and Economic Management Officer Director, Gender, Women and Civil Society Department More Currency Converter Amount: From To 0.877 Rates 17 January 2022 Pharmacie Akwaba Address: Port-Bouët, in the lobby of the Felix Houphouet-Boigny airport Tel: +225 21 58 73 15 Pharmacie Atlantique Address: Port-Bouët, at the night market Tel: +225 21 27 95 00 Pharmacie Balneaire Address: Port-Bouët, in front of 43ème BIMA Tel: +225 21 58 07 09 Pharmacie De La Baltique Address: Port-Bouët, in front of the slaughterhouse Tel: +225 21 27 66 71 Pharmacie De L'océan Address: Port-Bouët, Sogephia Siporex Tel: +225 21 27 78 48 Pharmacie De Port-Bouët Address: Port-Bouët, next to the Town Hall of Port-Bouët Tel: +225 21 27 89 17 Pharmacie des Entreprises Address: Port-Bouët, Vridi industrial area, PREMOTO traffic light, after SGBCI Tel: +225 21 27 17 32 Pharmacie Du Phare Address: Port-Bouët, beside the Port-Bouët lighthouse Tel: +225 21 27 73 73 Pharmacie Du Wharf Address: Port-Bouët, Adjouffou, next to SOTRA depot Tel: +225 21 27 71 31 Pharmacie Eloma Address: Port-Bouët, Gonzagueville Tel: +225 21 58 60 28 Pharmacie Malon Address: Port-Bouët, beside the Great Mosque of Port-Bouët Tel: +225 21 27 96 14 Pharmacie Route De Bassam Address: Port-Bouët, Adjouffou, the market before the roadblock Tel: +225 21 58 63 54 Pharmacie Saint Louis De Gonzag Address: Port-Bouët, in front of Lycée municipal Tel: +225 21 58 71 79 Pharmacie Santé Pour Tous Address: Port-Bouët, on the roaad to Bassam, Jean FOLLY neighbourhood, CASIER crossroads Tel: +225 21 58 76 34 Pharmacie Vridi Village Address: Port-Bouët, Vridi village crossroads, between SIR and IRAN Tel: +225 21 27 58 60 AfDB Vacancies Senior Governance and Economic Management Officer Director, Gender, Women and Civil Society Department More Currency Converter Amount: From To 0.877 Rates 17 January 2022 Pharmacie Aniaman Address: Plateau, wander up the steet to the BRVM and the "BAD" building Tel: +225 20 32 12 29 Pharmacie Bel'fam Address: Plateau, in front of MTN head office, Cours Castaing building Tel: +225 20 33 03 30 Pharmacie Boulevard Carde Address: Plateau, Blvd Carde, in front of Cercle du Rail Tel: +225 20 21 01 08 Pharmacie Centrale Ollo Address: Plateau, BICICI and France Optique crossroads Tel: +225 20 21 47 05 Pharmacie Chardy Tel: +225 20 21 66 01 Address: Plateau, Blvd CHARDY, next to du Cinéma Le PARIS Pharmacie Chicaya Address: Plateau, Nour Al Hayat shopping mall Tel: +225 20 21 33 40 Pharmacie De L'indenié Address: Plateau, next to SGBCI, in front of Cité Policière Tel: +225 20 21 17 90 Pharmacie Des Ambassades Address: Plateau, in front of the French Embassy Tel: +225 20 22 69 00 Pharmacie Des Banques Address: Plateau, at the side of SGBCI head office, toward Rotonde Tel: +225 20 32 94 12 Pharmacie Des Finances Address: Plateau, Cité financière, next to SITARAIL head office Tel: +225 20 30 39 50 Pharmacie Des Tours Address: Plateau, CCIA building, in front of Le Manguier Clinic Tel: +225 20 21 93 02 / +225 20 22 58 23 Pharmacie Du Commerce Address: Plateau, Rue du commerce, building L'Ebrien Tel: +225 20 32 12 12 Pharmacie Du Lomchamp Address: Plateau, Longchamp building Tel: +225 20 22 43 62 Pharmacie Du Memorial Address: Plateau, SIGNAL building, above the Sureté nationale Tel: +225 20 32 36 90 Pharmacie Du Palais De Justice Address: Plateau, in front of the Palace of Justice Tel: +225 20 21 95 64 Pharmacie Du Plateau Address: Plateau, La Pyramide crossroads, in front of BCEAO building Tel: +225 20 22 79 70 Pharmacie Elysees Address: Plateau, in front of the Plateau new Mosque Tel: +225 20 21 31 97 Pharmacie Harmonies Address: Plateau, Blvd Carde, in front of the building Les Harmonies Tel: +225 20 22 04 92 Pharmacie Le Trefle Address: Plateau, av. Noguès, entrance of Gare Sud Tel: +225 20 22 88 02 Pharmacie Les Studios Address: Plateau, Galerie du Parc Tel: +225 20 21 95 95 Pharmacie Moderne Mazuet Address: Plateau, Rue du commerce, in front of Bar des sports Tel: +225 20 32 96 64 Pharmacie Niacadié Address: Plateau, in front of Plateau's forme market Tel: +225 20 21 70 68 Pharmacie Place De La République Address: Plateau, in front of building AXA Tel: +225 20 21 57 78 Pharmacie Terminus Address: Plateau, Blvd Lagunaire, in front of SOTRA station Tel: +225 20 32 17 15 Pharmacie Tiama Address: Plateau, in front of TIAMA Hotel Tel: +225 20 21 34 18 Pharmacie Victoria Address: Plateau, in front of the Great Mosque Tel: +225 20 21 81 97 Pharmacie Zahara Address: Plateau, Rue du commerce, in front of Galeries Peyrissac Tel: +225 05 97 18 33 AfDB Vacancies Senior Governance and Economic Management Officer Director, Gender, Women and Civil Society Department More Currency Converter Amount: From To 0.877 Rates 17 January 2022 Pharmacie De La Paix Address: Marcory, Résidentiel, in front of SIB and Corlay service station Tel: +225 21 26 30 19 Pharmacie Sainte Ruth-Prima Address: Galerie Prima Center-Rue Pierre et Marie Curie Zone 4 Tel: +225 01 54 40 01 / +225 21 35 35 15 Pharmacie De La Vie Address: Marcory Résidentiel, Blvd Achalme, after SIB agency Tel: +225 21 28 18 68 Pharmacie De L'amitié Address: Marcory, crossroads of Marcory's new market Tel: +225 21 26 85 06 Pharmacie De L'INJS Address: Marcory, in front of INJS main entrance Tel: +225 21 28 10 10 Pharmacie Des Lagunes Address: Marcory résidentiel, la Paix street Tel: +225 21 26 12 40 Pharmacie Du Petit Marché Address: Marcory, small market, at the maquis Vatican crossroads Tel: +225 21 26 24 32 Pharmacie Ebathe Address: Marcory, in the continuation of Massarana hotel road Tel: +225 21 56 77 15 Pharmacie Grand Marché De Marcory Address: Marcory, in front of Grand marché de Marcory Tel: +225 21 56 90 96 Pharmacie Massarana Address: Marcory, near Massarana Hotel Tel: +225 21 28 35 43 Pharmacie Méridien Address: Marcory, Blvd du Cameroun, Marcory GFCI Tel: +225 21 28 27 00 Pharmacie Leïla Address: Marcory Alliodan Tel: +225 21 26 72 94 Pharmacie Les Remblais Address: Marcory Alliodan, in front of the 26th arrondissement police station Tel: +225 21 26 25 40 Pharmacie Boulevard De Marseille Address: Marcory, Shell servicce station, Blvd de Marseille, in front of LONACI Tel: +225 21 25 76 25 Pharmacie Canaan Address: Marcory, 36 rue Paul Langevin Tel: +225 21 25 96 76 Pharmacie Crossroads Address: Marcory, Marcory's great crossroads, in front of BICICI Tel: +225 21 35 29 70 Pharmacie De La Galérie Address: Marcory, CAP SUD shopping mall Tel: +225 21 24 28 41 Pharmacie De La Zone 3 Address: Marcory, at Patisserie abidjanaise crossroads Tel: +225 21 35 13 15 Pharmacie Elite Address: Marcory, Blvd Valery Giscard d'Estaing, next to DHL Tel: +225 21 35 11 19 Pharmacie Lanvia Address: Marcory, Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 100m to STAR AUTO Tel: +225 21 21 24 00 / +225 21 21 24 02 Pharmacie Perusia Address: Marcory, Zone 4C, rue du canal Tel: +225 21 35 78 86 Pharmacie De La Bagoe Address: Koumassi, Remblais, bus line 11, in front of "Liring" Clinic Tel: +225 21 28 64 14 Pharmacie Des Sables Address: Koumassi, next to "cité SIR" Tel: +225 21 28 84 17 Pharmacie Du Canal Address: Koumassi, Remblais Dominique Tel: +225 21 36 27 48 Pharmacie Du Marais Address: Koumassi, next to "Cité SIR", at Divo neighbourhood Tel: +225 21 36 06 99 Pharmacie Inch - Allah Address: Koumassi, next to "Groupe scolaire Entente" Tel: +225 21 36 47 01 / +225 21 36 46 75 Pharmacie Iroko Address: Koumassi, Remblais, bus line 32 Tel: +225 21 56 43 53 Pharmacie Kahyra Address: Koumassi, Blvd du Cameroun, next to Texaco service station Tel: +225 21 28 61 94 Pharmacie Sainte Agathe Address: Koumassi Remblais, after "LE Millenium" Tel: +225 21 56 51 88 Pharmacie Beniabe Address: Koumassi, Bus line 13 terminal Tel: +225 21 28 95 25 Pharmacie Bethanie Address: Koumassi, Bia Sud, SICOGI, on the road to camp commando Tel: +225 21 36 62 83 Pharmacie De La Sainte In Front Of Address: Koumassi, toward Collège Ajavon, on the road to SICOGI 3ème tranche Tel: +225 21 36 22 51 Pharmacie Du Soleil Address: Koumassi, Blvd du Gabon and Koumassi market street crossroads Tel: +225 21 36 05 98 Pharmacie Fanny Address: Koumassi, bus line 32 and 05 crossroads Tel: +225 21 36 09 07 Pharmacie M'pike Address: Koumassi, Behind the Town Hall of Koumasi Tel: +225 21 36 25 75 Pharmacie Nouvelle Du Boulevard Address: Koumassi, Koumassi great crossroads, next to Chronopost Tel: +225 21 24 37 00 Pharmacie Saint François Address: Koumassi, Blvd du Gabon, next to the great market Tel: +225 21 36 21 77 Pharmacie Saint Georges Address: Koumassi, next to the camp Commando de Koumassi Tel: +225 21 36 03 75 Pharmacie Saint Louis Address: Koumassi, Blvd du Cameroun Tel: +225 21 36 04 15 Pharmacie Saint Lucien Address: Koumassi Sicogi, in front of "Ateliers centraux de la SOTRA" Tel: +225 21 28 84 80 Pharmacie Saint Sauveur Address: Koumassi, Blvd du Gabon Tel: +225 21 36 69 93 Pharmacie Du Campement Address: Koumassi, the camp crossroads Tel: +225 21 38 18 91 Pharmacie Prodomo Address: Koumassi, 2nd traffic light after Inch'allah place and Pangolins. Tel: +225 21 28 83 43 Pharmacie Saint Paul Address: Koumassi, Aklomiabla, toward the terminal of bus line 32 Tel: +225 21 36 19 28 Pharmacie Sainte Foi Address: Koumassi, Terminus 05, in front of the municipal high school Tel: +225 21 56 17 40 Pharmacie Cyrille Address: Koumassi, Biétry, Blvd de Marseille and Blvd Giscard d'Estaing crossroads Tel: +225 21 25 95 28 AfDB Vacancies Senior Governance and Economic Management Officer Director, Gender, Women and Civil Society Department More Currency Converter Amount: From To 0.877 Rates 17 January 2022 Pharmacie Comoé Address: Cocody, Cité des arts, next to the School of Gendarmerie Tel: +225 22 44 28 81 Pharmacie De Blockhauss Address: Cocody, Blockhauss Tel: +225 22 48 68 91 Pharmacie De Cocody Address: Cocody, small market of Cocody Tel: +225 22 44 24 95 Pharmacie De La Cité Address: Cocody Danga, next to Cité Rouge Tel: +225 22 44 63 68 Pharmacie De L'ivoire Address: Cocody, at the Hotel Ivoire's car park Tel: +225 22 44 63 12 Pharmacie Notre Dame de Fatima SARL Address: Plateau Dokui, opposite Ste. Monique church Tel: +225 24 00 19 08 Pharmacie Des Arts Address: Cocody, Cité des arts' shopping mall Tel: +225 22 44 95 67 Pharmacie Les 7 Colonnes Address: Cocody, Blvd des Martyrs, in front of SODEMI Tel: +225 22 44 02 96 Pharmacie Les Mimosas Address: Cocody, Blvd Mitterand, in front of SODEFOR Tel: +225 22 44 32 28 Pharmacie Saint Dominique Address: Cocody, at the corner in front of lycée Mermoz Tel: +225 22 48 79 89 Pharmacie Saint François De Danga Address: Cocody, Danga, next to the Nid de Cocody Tel: +225 22 48 54 08 Pharmacie Saint Jean Address: Cocody, Blvd des Martyrs, in front of Cité rouge Tel: +225 22 44 62 49 Pharmacie Sainte Marie Address: Cocody, next to La maison du PDCI Tel: +225 22 48 69 20 Pharmacie De La Corniche Address: Cocody Tel: +225 22 48 73 40 Pharmacie Du Lycée Technique Address: Cocody, wander up toward Lycée technique Tel: +225 22 44 60 77 Pharmacie Du Palm Club Address: Cocody, road to Lycée technique Tel: +225 22 44 20 90 Pharmacie Andy Address: Cocody, Riviera Golf, Leader Price crossroads Tel: +225 22 43 25 80 Pharmacie Bel Epine Address: Cocody, Jardins de la Riviera, in front of the small mosque Tel: +225 22 43 34 31 Pharmacie De La Riviera Address: Cocody, great crossroads of Riviéra II Tel: +225 22 43 28 44 Pharmacie De La Riviera III Address: Cocody, Riviéra III, in front of Lycée américain Tel: +225 22 47 60 06 Pharmacie De L'oasis De Paix Address: Cocody, Blvd Mitterand, SOTRA's depot, Cocody Campus Tel: +225 22 48 92 08 Pharmacie De M'pouto Address: Cocody, Riviéra M'Pouto, CIAD PROMO Tel: +225 22 43 12 73 Pharmacie Du Golf Address: Cocody, the Golf's shopping mall Tel: +225 22 43 14 31 Pharmacie Les Elias Address: Cocody, Riviera Golf, in front of the sports field Tel: +225 22 43 28 85 Pharmacie Notre Dame Des Graces Address: Cocody, next to the small mosque of Riviera Tel: +225 22 43 61 96 Pharmacie Saint Ange Address: Cocody Riviera II Route d'Attoban (near Collège André Malraux) 01 Abidjan Tel: +225 22 43 45 04 / +225 05 03 56 56 / +225 05 03 69 69 Pharmacie Saint Athanase Address: Cocody, Riviéra Anono Tel: +225 22 43 55 87 Pharmacie Saint Bernard Address: Cocody, Riviéra Attoban, next to Cipharm Tel: +225 22 43 65 46 Pharmacie Saint Pierre D'anono Address: Cocody, Riviéra Anono Tel: +225 22 43 90 56 Pharmacie Saint Pierre Des Rosees Address: Cocody, Riviéra Allabra, in front of Clinique Panthéon médical Tel: +225 22 47 42 17 Pharmacie Sainte Famille Address: Cocody, Riviéra Allabra, next to Sainte Famille church Tel: +225 22 47 76 76 Pharmacie Deux Plateaux - Agban Address: Cocody, next to the hopital des impôts Tel: +225 22 41 39 90 Pharmacie Arc En Ciel Address: Cocody, II Plateaux, Rue des Jardins Tel: +225 22 41 20 67 Pharmacie Aurore Address n: Cocody, Vallons, next to Clinique AMI Tel: +225 22 41 18 08 Pharmacie De La 7eme Tranche Address: Cocody, II Plateaux, 7ème tranche Tel: +225 22 52 56 83 Pharmacie Des Deux Plateaux Address: Cocody, Blvd des Martyrs, between Oil Lybia service station and SOCOCE Tel: +225 22 41 36 04 Pharmacie Des 7 Lys Address: Cocody, II plateaux, 7ème tranche, traffic light of Lubafrique service station Tel: +225 22 42 27 20 Pharmacie Des Graces Address: Cocody, Behind the Agban Gendarmerie, toward II Plateaux Tel: +225 22 41 24 27 Pharmacie Des Jardins Address: Cocody, II Plateaux, Rue des jardins Tel: +225 22 41 17 70 Pharmacie Des Laureades Address: Cocody, II plateaux, 7ème tranche Tel: +225 22 42 48 10 Pharmacie Divin Amour Address: Cocody, Blvd des Martyrs, Macaci's crossroads Tel: +225 22 41 93 38 Pharmacie Du Vallon Address: Cocody, Vallon shopping mall Tel: +225 22 41 35 14 Pharmacie Dunia Address: Cocody, crossroads of rue L30 and rue L23, near the 30th arrondissement police station Tel: +225 22 52 99 99 Pharmacie Espace Sante Address: Cocody, Blvd des Martyrs, Duncan crossroads Tel: +225 22 41 21 03 Pharmacie Las Palmas Address: Cocody, Las Palmas and Aghien crossroads Tel: +225 22 42 14 79 Pharmacie Latrille Address: Cocody, Blvd des Martyrs, in front of ENA Tel: +225 22 41 03 68 Pharmacie Les Halles Address: Cocody, Blvd des Martyrs, espace Latrille, on SOCOCE shopping mall Tel: +225 22 41 92 94 Pharmacie Les Tulipes Address: Cocody, Blvd des Martyrs, in front of Aghien mosque Tel: +225 22 42 50 17 Pharmacie Notre Dame De La Visitation Address: Cocody, in front of the 12th arrondissement police station Tel: +225 22 41 26 08 Pharmacie Saint Joseph Address: Cocody, Rue des Jardins, in front of Clinique Les Bleuets Tel: +225 22 41 10 20 Pharmacie Sainte Trinité Address: Cocody, II Plateaux, on the road to AGBAN, 200m from Oil Lybia service station Tel: +225 22 41 68 88 Pharmacie Sante De Vie Address: Cocody, II Plateaux, les Perles, at the end of Cité Sanon's main street Tel: +225 22 42 05 22 Pharmacie Bel Horizon Address: Cocody, Angré, just after Pétro Ivoire service station Tel: +225 22 52 24 19 Pharmacie De La 8eme Tranche Address: Cocody, Angré, 8ème tranche, résidence Soleil I Tel: +225 22 52 34 90 Pharmacie De La Djibi Address: Cocody, La Djibi, in front of the market Tel: +225 22 52 23 76 Pharmacie Des Allées Address: Cocody Angré, Caféiers 7 Tel: +225 22 42 14 58 Pharmacie Du Bien Etre Address: Cocody, Angré, 8ème tranche, Résidence Soleil III Tel: +225 22 50 25 34 Pharmacie Fandasso Address: Cocody, Cité Fandasso Tel: +225 21 00 18 16 Pharmacie Hermes Address: Cocody, 9ème tranche, Star 12, next to CNPS Tel: +225 22 50 10 32 Pharmacie Les Arcades Address: Cocody, La Djibi, Les Arcades, bus line 305 terminal Tel: +225 22 50 62 25 Pharmacie Les Arums Address: Cocody, 9ème tranche, on the road to Riviéra Palmeraie Tel: +225 22 52 74 08 Pharmacie Luminance K Address: Cocody, 500m from Angré's market and the community centre Tel: +225 22 50 49 26 Pharmacie Notre Dame De Fatima Address: Cocody, Plateau Dokui, crossroads of Sainte Monique Parish Tel: +225 24 39 59 12 Pharmacie Sainte Harmony Address: Cocody, Angré, La Djibi Tel: +225 22 52 39 97 Pharmacie du Boulevard de France Address: Cocody Saint Jean Boulevard de France 06 BP 2498 Abidjan Tel: +225 22 44 74 08 / +225 22 44 70 35 / +225 22 44 74 09 Pharmacie le bonheur Address: Riviera Palmeraie Marché Cocody BP 112 225 Abidjan Tel: +225 22 47 02 88 PHARMACIE BOULEVARD DE LA PAIX Tel: (+225) 20 22 20 34 Attécoubé, behind Sebroko Hotel, next to TOTAL service station PHARMACIE D'AGBAN Localization: Attécoubé, Cité Fairmont and Attecoubé crossroads Tel: (+225) 20 37 22 30 PHARMACIE D'ATTECOUBE Localization: Attécoubé, just behind the KLENZY service station of Attecoube Tel: (+225) 20 38 07 74 PHARMACIE SAINT ETIENNE Localization: Attécoubé, Abobo Doumé, in front of the fish market Tel: (+225) 23 52 44 44 PHARMACIE FATIMA Localization: Attécoubé, the bridge's crossroads Tel: (+225) 20 38 29 10 PHARMACIE SEBROKO SARL Localization: Attécoubé, next to Attécoubé's great market Tel: (+225) 20 37 67 48 Pharmacie Adjamé Bracodi Address: Adjamé Bracodi Bar Tel: +225 20 37 54 33 Pharmacie Adjamé Santé Address: Adjamé Near Institut de Santé - Boulevard Nangui Abrogoua Tel: +225 20 22 85 44 Pharmacie Aimess Address: Adjamé Williamsville II – Road Macaci Tel: +225 20 37 21 24 Pharmacie Adjamé Latin Address: Adjamé - near the Habitat market Tel: +225 20 37 22 39 / +225 07 88 26 39 / +225 57 48 94 78 Pharmacie de la Mairie Address: Adjamé - next to the Adjamé Town Hall Tel: +225 20 37 99 99 Pharmacie du Château d'eau Address: Adjamé - av. William JACOB - near SODECI Tel: +225 20 37 11 68 Pharmacie Boulevard de la Paix Address: Attecoubé Road of CARENA - Opposite Sebroko (ONUCI) near Station TOTAL Tel: +225 20 22 20 34 / +225 02 03 76 18 Pharmacie Du Forum Address: Adjamé, within the "Forum des marchés" Tel: +225 20 38 13 64 Pharmacie du Marché Gouro Address: Adjamé - Gouro market next to "Banque Atlantique" Tel: +225 20 39 03 03 Pharmacie du Progrès Address: Adjamé - Williamsville just before the police station Tel: +225 20 37 15 25 Pharmacie Gbede Address: Adjamé - Boulevard Nangui Abrogoua - next to the Great Market Tel: +225 20 37 71 58 Pharmacie Kana Address: Adjamé Extension Tel: +225 20 37 96 49 Pharmacie Koro Address: Adjamé next to Collège Monterland Tel: +225 07 81 47 18 Pharmacie Le Bélier Address: Adjamé, 220 logements, rue C37 Tel: +225 20 37 12 16 Pharmacie de la Mosquée Address: Adjamé Boulevard William Jacob behind the Rails of Grande Mosquée Tel: +225 20 37 17 70 Pharmacie Makissi Address: Adjamé, near Cash Ivoire supermarket Tel: +225 20 37 70 39 Pharmacie Nouvelle des 220 Logements Address: Adjamé, Liberté crossroads, in front of Corlay service station Tel: +225 20 37 58 26 Pharmacie de la Province Address: Petit Marche des 220 Lgts - Opposite Edipresse Tel: +225 20 37 55 81 / +225 07 08 45 12 Pharmacie Quartier Ebrié Address: Adjamé, Renault traffic light, in front of STIF station Tel: +225 20 37 12 56 Pharmacie de l’Espoir Address: Adjame 220 Lgts - 200 m Marche Gouro behind Maternity Therese Houphouet Boigny Tel: +225 20 39 08 31 / +225 07 88 65 75 Pharmacie Rapha Address: Adjamé, Williamsville, in front of Boulangerie BMW Tel: +225 20 37 96 88 Pharmacie Reboul Address: Adjamé, av. Reboul, near CNPS Tel: +225 20 37 99 98 Pharmacie Roeddent Address: Adjamé, in front of the Tuberculosis Center Tel: +225 20 37 98 33 Pharmacie Saint Emmanuel Address: Adjamé, in front of the MIRADOR building Tel: +225 20 37 98 27 Pharmacie de l’Indenié Address: Av. Toussaint Louverture - SGBCI Indenié- Opposite Cite Policière Tel: +225 20 21 17 90 Pharmacie Saint Michel Address: Adjamé, next to the St Michel church Tel: +225 20 37 09 06 Pharmacie Saint Uriel Address: Adjamé, Païer, behind the cemetery Tel: +225 20 37 23 75 Pharmacie Sainte Marie d'Adjamé Address : Adjamé, Rue Harris, near the 3rd arrondissement police station Tel: +225 05 08 76 77 Pharmacie Sarah Address: Adjamé, Karine'N couture shopping mall Tel: +225 20 39 03 57 Pharmacie Seneve Address: Adjamé, next to gare UTB Tel: +225 20 37 11 04 Pharmacie Abobo Belle Ville Address: Abobo, on the road to Alépé Tel: +225 24 39 91 96 Pharmacie d’Abobo Santé Address: Behind Centre de Santé (PMI & Maternité) Tel: +225 49 21 83 12 / +225 24 39 13 84 Pharmacie Azur Address: Road of Zoo Plateau Dokui Azur - Carrefour Policier Tel: +225 40 27 50 02 Pharmacie Actuelle Address: Abobo, in front of "FSU Com Abobo Té", 200m from Collège Victor Loba'D Tel: +225 01 22 20 32 Pharmacie Abobo Sogephia Address: Abobo Sogephia, behind the university residence Tel: +225 24 39 00 51 Pharmacie Carrefour Anador Address: Abobo - Rond Point Carrefour Anador - Route des Rails Tel: +225 24 48 02 39 / 03 26 Pharmacie Amina Address: Abobo, Avocatier, next to Henri Konan Bédié maternity Tel: +225 24 39 95 65 Pharmacie Carrefour Diallo Address: Abobo PK 18 - Ndotré « derriere pont » au Carrefour Diallo Tel: +225 40 30 24 31 / +225 01 29 26 18 Pharmacie du centre Address: Abobo Avocatier Voie Express Anyama near L’hôtel du Centre and church ‘’Universelle du Royaume de Dieu’’ Tel: +225 47 85 90 09 / +225 40 27 54 76 / +225 65 02 61 52 Pharmacie Avocatier Marché Address: Abobo, Château crossroads, next to the Avocatier Market Tel: +225 24 49 70 19 Pharmacie Belle-Cite Address: Abobo, Belle Cité Tel: +225 24 48 31 52 Pharmacie de Abobo Baoulé Address: Abobo, on the road to Alépé, in front of the 34th arrondissement police station Tel: +225 24 48 27 54 Pharmacie de La Cité Address: Abobo, in front of the university residence, within the market Tel: +225 24 39 03 33 Pharmacie de la Me Tel: +225 24 39 01 18 Address: Abobo, on the major roadway, near the Town Hall crossroads Pharmacie de la Mairie d’Abobo Address: Abobo - Crossroad Cultural Center Tel: +225 24 39 32 48 Pharmacie du Monastère Address: Road of Abobo Baoulé Tel: +225 24 39 67 01 / +225 07 20 11 61 Pharmacie des Quatre Etages Address: Abobo, 4 étages, at the General Hospital crossroads Tel: +225 24 39 06 62 Pharmacie d’Akekoi Address: Abobo Colatier on the road to Akeikoi Tel: +225 24 39 97 22 / +225 05 61 64 88 Pharmacie Les 4 Saisons Address: Abobo, Dokui extension, on the way from SODECI to "Lycée Adama Sanogo" Tel: +225 21 01 11 10 Pharmacie de La Plaque II Address: Abobo, Sogephia, Cité des cadres, rue Plaque II Tel: +225 24 48 09 90 Pharmacie du Rail Address: Abobo Sagbe Tel: +225 24 39 01 82 Pharmacie de l'étoile Address: Abobo, crossroads of l'Etoile, in front of the Gendarmerie Tel: +225 24 39 11 54 Pharmacie Divine Espérance Address: Abobo, Sagbè, after the rails Tel: +225 24 39 78 92 Pharmacie Kann'sy Address: Abobo, Kennedy, in front of the mosque Tel: +225 24 39 12 51 Pharmacie Kennedy Address: Entrance of Quartier Kennedy - Clouetcha - 400 m of Crossroad ''sans manquer'' Tel: +225 24 39 43 73 Pharmacie Irys Address: Abobo Anonkoua Koute – at the entrance of village - Place Parking Tel: +225 24 48 48 05 Pharmacie la Paix Address: Abobo, ANADOR, SODECI crossroads, in front of "Groupe Scolaire NANTI" Tel: +225 24 39 83 31 Pharmacie Leon Ange Address: Abobo opposite Cite Policière terminus des bus 15 et 49 Tel: +225 01 35 08 12 / +225 09 84 14 02 Grande Pharmacie du Dokui Address: Abobo, near CIE agency and TOTAL service station Tel: +225 24 39 59 12 Pharmacie La Providence Address: Abobo, Abobo-Adjamé motorway, after SOTRA 1st bus stop. Tel: +225 24 49 39 62 Pharmacie Route d’Anyama Address: Abobo PK 18 - route d’Anyama opposite Ex UNICAFE Tel: +225 04 80 73 97 / +225 23 55 82 40 Pharmacie Magnificat Address: Abobo, Avocatier, in front of Petro Ivoire service station Tel: +225 24 39 51 67 Pharmacie Miria Address: Road of Zoo – Crossroad Jean Tailly opposite the market of the wholesalers Tel: +225 24 39 55 07 Pharmacie Manzan Address: Abobo, SAMAKE roundabout Tel: +225 24 39 14 96 Pharmacie Milie Hevié Address: Road of Anyama - PK 18 - Terminus bus 76 Tel: +225 24 39 04 00 Pharmacie Matene Address: Abobo , Avocatier, 400m from clinique Etoile Tel: +225 24 39 20 32 Pharmacie Notre Dame de Fatima Address: Abobo Plateau Dokui – Opposite Paroisse Ste Monique Tel: +225 07 77 21 49 / +225 02 86 89 34 Pharmacie N’gohessé Address: Plaque I - Between Foyer Féminin and the night market Tel: +225 24 39 94 67 Pharmacie Olympique Address: Abobo Ndotre - 300 m of Crossroad Ndotre road of Yopougon Tel: +225 02 27 56 13 / +225 07 89 99 44 Pharmacie Principale Abobo Te Address: Abobo, at the crossroads of Clinique Centrale d'Abobo Tel: +225 24 49 48 19 Pharmacie Saint François Xavier Address: Abobo, at the curve of 15th arrondissement police station Tel: +225 24 39 85 02 Pharmacie Saint Sauveur Address: Abobo, Kennedy Klouetcha, next to the market Tel: +225 24 48 47 41 Pharmacie Sainte Croix Address: Abobo, Just behind Les Etoiles Polyclinic Tel: +225 24 39 36 73 Pharmacie Sainte Odile Address: Abobo, toward the Allocodrome du Dokui Tel: +225 24 39 29 97 Pharmacie Yarapha Address: Abobo, AKEKOI crossroads Tel: +225 24 49 12 63 AfDB Vacancies Senior Governance and Economic Management Officer Director, Gender, Women and Civil Society Department More Currency Converter Amount: From To 0.877 Rates 17 January 2022