DEATH'S HAND Kano Iezane (High Ranking Death's Hand Member) Birth Date: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown, believed to be Kyoto, Japan Nationality/Metatype/Gender: Japanese/Dwarf/Male Current Residence: Unknown, believed to be Atlanta, CAS Height: 1.15 meters Weight: 56 kilograms Hair: Bald (shaven) Eyes: Dark brown Distinguishing Physical Features: Tattoo of a purple lotus on the back of his right shoulder Psychology Traits: Calm, quiet, attentive Motivations: Clan loyalty Lifestyle: Presumably High to Luxury Yeah, chummers, a Japanese dwarf. The Hand takes a liberal view on metahumans, especially physies. In fact it was the hand that pulled Kano out of Yomi. Apparently they wander that island quite a bit. Turns out those souls saved from Yomi are fiercely loyal to the Hand, and Kano's no exception. Now Kano here is easily fits into a crowd. He's quiet, polite, and seems a pushover for the next strong breeze. That's what makes him good at his job. He's overlooked. Overlooked by people having that oh-so private conversation. Overlooked by bodyguards escorting that paranoid suit. Overlooked by cops looking for the assassin who geeked that suit. See, no one expects a dwarf to be a silent killer, especially a ninja. So he's just overlooked. Kano is a high-grade initiate and, presumably, has more tricks under his sleeve than he lets on. Although he shaves his head don't expect to see him bald. He keeps his head clean to make securing wigs much easier. He's also been known to have surgery to change the shape of his eyes and alter his melanin content. See that black dwarf over their with the 'fro? Could be him . . . ATTRIBUTES Body: 5 (6) Quickness: 4 (5) Strength: 7 Charisma: 4 Intelligence: 5 Willpower: 7 Essence: 6 Magic: 13 Reaction: 5 (9) Initiative: 9 + 4d6 Professional Rating: 4 Threat Rating (Combat): 9 SKILLS Armed Combat: 6 Athletics: 5 (7) Car: 2 Centering (Akido): 4 Computer: 3 Etiquette(corp) :5 Etiquette (Street): 4 Physical Sciences: 3 Chemistry: 5 Toxins: 7 Projectiles: 5 Bows: 7 Stealth: 5 (7) Thrown: 4 Aerodynamic: 6 Unarmed Combat: 5 (7) Martial Arts: 7 (9) Ninjitsu: 9 (11) WEAKNESSES Allergy (plastics, moderate) POWERS Natural thermographic vision Grade 8 initiate Improved Athletics +2 Improved Stealth +2 Improved Unarmed Combat +2 Improved senses (enhanced hearing and smell) Increased Physical Attribute(Quickness +1, Body +1) Increased Reaction +4 Increased Reflexes 3 Killing Hands (S)