The Major Orbitals of the Sixth World: * Ares Daedalus This is one of Ares's greatest achievements since it became the power we all know and buy guns from. It was started in 2015 and was operational, though not complete, in 2019. It was finally completed in 2037 and is rumored to have cost in excess of 400 billion nuyen to build. It is where many corporate hotshots who are not worthy enough to be in Zurich-Orbital live or have favors owed to them from Ares and want to cash in. One of these people is an exception however. Daniel Truman and his family live there now that Truman Tower is inside of the Chicago Containment Zone. He runs Truman Technologies from his quarters onboard the station, although the stress of running his corporation and competing with Fuchi Technologies from 200 kilometers above is beginning to get to him. So is the fact that his daughter Melissa, is still lost somewhere inside the Containment Zone. More speculations says that Damian Knight currrently resides in Daedalus, although on an infrequent schedule. He has been said to be spending more and more time on the station lately, possibly planning on moving there permanently. There is also a possibilty that they are conducting tests on magically active personnel gathered from various institutions and testing how and why mages cannot stay active in astral space, although there are rumors that they have been successful in training mages in using low mana to still create magical effects in LEO space. This is still unconfirmed however. * Zurich-Orbital See Corporate Shadowfiles