AirBlast Project - v1.0 Aerial combat game Copyright 2005 - Eric Grange - Hardware recommendations: - 1GHz Athlon/Pentium 3 or better CPU - OpenGL-capable hardware accelerated graphics with 64 MB video RAM (32 mini) - DirectSound compatible sound card (required) - Joystick (throttle, yaw and POV supported) - 100Hz Vertical Refresh capable display Usage: - install, run, adjust options (like enabling the joystick if you have one) - play tutorial, use the options/controls dialog to learn and tweak the controls - get shot down in the Instant Action modes :) Game Modes: - 1vs1 : combat vs a single aircraft, missiles and guns allowed, you must shoot your opponent as many times as possible within the time limit. - 1vs1 Furball : same as 1vs1, but with guns only - 1vs1 Firestorm : same as 1vs1, but mucho short-range missiles - Endurance : patrol your area and destroy all bandits with your AI wingman - Tournament Mode is inactive in this version Game Tips: - Don't read the tips unless the game is too hard for you! - Don't forget to grab the bonuses when they appear. - When dropping decoys, change your trajectory too, missiles deal airburst damage and you might get damaged if you're too close when they explode. - If you take damage and get on fire, use you fire extinguisher ('F' by default), a fire will deal extra damage rather quickly if not extinguished - In Endurance mode, don't forget to give your wingman orders (by default, 'X' to attack your target, 'C' to cover you, and 'V' to follow you in formation). - When your wingman is in formation, he will use decoys and break off when attacked, but won't attack or fire missiles, this can be useful when you want him to avoid wasting ammo. - Use your AirBrake ('B' by default) and your AfterBurner ('TAB' and Joystick button 3) in a turning close-combat engagement - Low-level AI opponents don't use their fire extinguisher, if your ammo is tight, let them burn and crash Source: - Will compile with GLScene CVS version as of 13/03/2005, and hopefully with any later revision too. - Source is placed under MPL (like GLScene), note that this affects only the sourcecode, for ressources credits, see the credits.txt file. - RecyclerMM can be found in the GLScene CVS in the Utilities subdirectory or at (the reference can also be commented out)