Collisions :
- boxedin :
- sphere bouncing inside a 3DS object
- sphere collision detection with a complex (high poly) mesh
- using the octree to speed up collision detection
- boxsphere :
- testing for collisions between a box and a sphere
- facevsface :
- accurate face vs face collision detection between freeforms
- accurate collision detection between cubes (test case)
- moving objects in 3D with the mouse
- meshhit :
- basic raycast collision with a mesh
- finding mesh surface point and normal below mouse
- occlusionquery :
- simple demo showing how to use an occlusion query to see if an object is visible
- octree :
- raycast collision with a complex (high poly) mesh
- using the octree to speed up collision detection
- raybox :
- testing for collisions between a ray and a box
- raycast :
- raycasting intersection sample (RayCastIntersect function)
- a two-cents worth raytracer
- sphere :
- ultra-basic collision detection sample
- trianglebox :
- testing for collisions between a triangle and a box