Extrusion :
- bendingcyl :
- uses TPipe, the circle extrusion component
- a bending cylinder getting fat/slim
- cutoutstar
- using TExtrusionSolid to render an extruded
- cutting out parts in a TExtrusionSolid (or
- nutsnbolts :
- a no-code, design-time only sample rendering of a
nut and accompanying bolt
- uses TRevolutionSolid, TCylinder and TAnnulus to
build both items
- pawn :
- basic TRevolutionSolid use to make a wood-textured
pawn-like object
- various interactive controls to check the effects
of various properties on visual aspect
- tentacles :
- using TPipe for weirdo tentacles effects, per-node coloring
- adjusting ObjectStyle to speed up rendering of constantly changing geometry