Meshes :
- formula :
- using the TMesh object to plot a formula in 3D
- triangle and triangle-strip meshes to make
regular, grid-based, height-fields meshes
- mushroom :
- using the TFreeForm to load a 3DStudio (.3DS)
- using TGLProxyObject to duplicate an object
- uses fog and a textured "ground"
- centering :
- using AutoCentering for a TFreeForm's mesh
- effects of various AutoCentering options
- actor :
- using the TActor object to load Quake II model (.md2)
- displaying an actor's frame names
- animating an actor (morph animation)
- skeletal :
- using the TActor object to an Half-Life model (.smd)
- animating an actor (skeletal animation)
- expolygon
- using TMultiPolygon for rendering complex
- automatic tesselation of polygons with holes and
- actortwocam :
- moving a TActor (Quake II model with wepon) in a
small scenery
- doom-like (keyboard only) movement, with walk/run,
- switching between first-person and third-person
- portal :
- using the TPortal object to render indoor scenes
- basic wolfenstein-like "level designer"
for generating the maze mesh
- terrain :
- using TTerrainRender and TGLBitmapHDS to render a simple landscape
- Full-screen mode and using THUDText/TBitmapFont for a FPS counter
- Positional 3D sounds
- synthterr :
- using TTerrainRender and TGLCustomHDS
- 1D textures
- subdivide :
- Early mesh subdivision refinement demo
- MD2 format isn't really suited for refinement
- tileplane :
- Illustrates the use of TGLTilePlane to render an area made of tiled textures placed in a grid.
- ...
- ducky :
- Loading NURBS into a GLScene FreeForm/Actor object.
- Use the resolution slider to increase or decrease the models triangle count dynamically.
- csg :
- Constructive Solid Geometry.
- The CSG system uses BSP to optimize what triangles it considers.
- Features: CSG_Union, CSG_Subtraction, CSG_Intersection.
- tree :
- GLTree Editor.
- Interactive parameter changes display tree variations.
- shadedterrain :
- Shaded terrain rendering demo.
- ...
- feedback :
- This demo shows how to use a GLFeedback object to
extract mesh data from regular GLScene objects.
- The GLFeedback object
- tiles :
- Illustrates the use of TGLTilePlane to render an area made of tiled textures placed in a grid.
- The TGLTilePlane object