demos :
- tobitmap :
- getting viewer content into a TBitmap with CreateSnapShot
- rendering to a high resolution bitmap suitable for printing
- culling :
- using and selecting scene culling (object-based or
- visualizing impact of scene culling on frame rate
- memviewer :
- using the TGLMemoryViewer for off-screen rendering
- using off-screen render result in a texture
- controling VSync
- fullscreen :
- basic sample for TGLFullScreenViewer to go fullscreen and
switch screen resolution
- uses TGLCanvas to render a 2D overlay mouse reticle
- basicsdl :
- basic sample for TGLSDLViewer and using SDL
- cube environment mapping
- OctreeDemo :
- demo of using an Octree to cull dynamic objects
- lining :
- demo of using TGLOutlineShader and TGLHiddenlineShader
- fog :
- demo showing the use of fog in GLScene
- invariance :
- demo showing the use of invariance in GLScene (Makes a foggy surface on texture)
- multiproxy :
- Illustrates the use of TGLMultiProxy to perform discreet LOD.
- SkyBox :
- Example using GLSkybox... or 2.
- Quadtree Visibility Culling :
- demo using Quadtrees to perform visibility culling.
- Blur :
- Adding a GLBlur to an object will make it blur only that object. Adding it to the scene root will blur all the scene.
- BlurAdvanced :
- A more advanced blur demo.
- bunnybump :
- Using the GLBumpShader for object space bump mapping. There are currently 2 bump methods: a dot3 texture combiner and a basic ARB
fragment program. Specular: Blinn or Phong
- Demonstrates checking for card capability and responding with program limiting changes.
- celshading :
- GLCelShader component: GLTexturedCelShader
- This could use a Check for card capability and response with program limiting changes.
- Per-Pixel phong shading demo. :
- The TGLPhongShader implements phong shading through the use of an ARB vertex and fragment program.
- This could use a Check for card capability and response with program limiting changes.