demos :
- column :
- run-time creation of objects
- framerate independant procedural motion
- events :
- rotates "bars" using time-programmed events
- fixed-time and variable-time motion
- hierarch :
- moving hierarchically related objects
- using the DummyCube
- manual :
- moving objects using their Position property
- monitoring frame rate
- using TAsyncTimer for fast & smooth movement
- objmove
- moving objects with the mouse (pick and dragg)
- using projection methods (3D<->2D)
- pointto :
- using PointTo to make an object point toward another
- framerate independant motion
- pong :
- a 3D adaptation of the classic game
- basic, mouse-driven object movement
- framerate independant motion
- smoothnavigator :
- using the Smooth Navigator to provide smoothed camera movement
See also :