demos :
- camera :
- moving camera with the mouse (rotation &
- zooming/unzooming with the mouse wheel
- pick :
- finding which object(s) was picked with the mouse
in a GLSceneViewer
- coloring objects under the mouse pointer
- fadingintf :
- smoother, progressive coloring of objects under
the pointer
- using the OnProgress event
- bmpfont :
- using a TGLHUDText and TGLBitmapFont to render 2D text
- rotating and scaling a 2D text
- winfont :
- using a TGLHUDText and TGLWindowsBitmapFont to render 2D text
- rendering text to OpenGL with a TrueType Font
- cursor :
- using a TGLHUDSprite as mouse cursor, with optional
alpha-blended trail
- loading and displaying a picture, retrieving the
color under the mouse
- hfpick :
- using PixelRayToWorld as a 3D picking tool
- "painting" a 3D HeightField interactively
- fontcolor :
- using a color modulation to colorize and fadein/fadeout 2D text
- using time events manager
- guidemo :
- A sample for the Gui interface system
- GLScene user interface to enable user to change parameters.
- guipaint :
- The Simple Paint Program using Gui components from GLScene.
- using GLScene gui
- cameracontroller :
- A sample using TGLCameraController to automate camera movement.
- console :
- using a console to type commands, and get feedback.
- gamemenu :
- gizmo :
- A gizmo is used to control the position, scaling and orientation of several objects.
- gizmoex :
- Demonstration of the extended gizmo component.
- simplenavigation :
- Demonstration of the Simple Navigation component.
- No code required to add simple mouse control to an application.
- storedfont :
- using a TGLHUDText and TGLWindowsBitmapFont to render 2D text
- rendering text to OpenGL with a TrueType Font
- loading a font from file
- widebitmapfont :
- Demonstration of TGLWideBitmapFont.
See also :